
Press Release

Pressure Lift Corporations product design and technological development of the 8″ Power Booster™ was a great success. The PLC-8000 which is now being offered to all of the major production and cleanup industries and has been welcomed in the Environmental Remediation Industry. The 8″ Power Booster was designed and developed to work exceptionally with viscous materials & sludge removal such as those produced in the Petroleum, Maritime, Agriculture and Mining Industries and where extremely high vertical lifts are concerned has provided overwhelmingly positive results!

It also works great in the Maritime industry to lighten ship tanks and cargo holds, Oil & Gas industry; water transfer for fracking operations, lift stations, earth sciences and remediation, recovery well repair, clean up, and makeover, leachate collection system clean-out,  agricultural, day-lighting and pot holing operations and more.

Debi’s Posts

The Power Booster™ comes with a male camlock fitting on each end to provide you with the most versatile tool in the industry. It can be used as a single tool or inverted for stirring thick, viscous materials (putting them back into suspension). No more wasting time pumping and dumping when you have a Power Booster™, even on the most viscous materials. It can also be used in series for difficult long hose jobs with or without extremely high vertical lifts.  As a single unit, when hooked up properly, the Power Booster™ has the ability to pump a column of fluid over 300 feet vertically.  Yes that’s 300 feet, vertical! This is unheard of in our industry. The Pressure Lift design team went through the patent process to prove our products work. As well, the most rigorous testing to meet published engineering standards in order to confirm its true operational capabilities.

To see the Power Booster™ in action, visit our website at then click on the Home page and scroll down to the video. It provides footage in video only format, no audio is currently available.

If you would like to place an order or have any questions regarding Pressure Lift Corporations line of Power Booster products please give us a call at your earliest convenience.

Contact Information:

Toll free; (866) 504-6596

Local number; (972) 355-0550